Thursday, December 10, 2009

things I'm going to miss about paris

1. The Food, surprise surprise! From coke light (made with a better tasting fake sugar!) to falafel to fresh baguette to cheese to the yogurt to balsamic vinegar flavored chips to mcdonald's to tarts and galettes, I'm going to miss it all. I was lucky enough to eat almost everything I wanted and still be able to fit into my clothes. I don't know how the french stay so thin but what I do know is my pant size is happy that I'm going back home to the land of reduced fat foods and gyms.

2. Monoprix. Speaking about food, I'm going to miss the supermarket three blocks away from my apartment which I've grown to love. It's where I bought everything from chicken breasts to pantyhose and I'm going to miss it immensely. It's going to be weird having other people bag groceries for me. From now on I'm going to be that girl that brings her own reusable bags to supermarkets, but I'll be the only girl with monoprix brand reusable ones. Okay, well I'll be one of the only two girls with them since dorene bought some too.

3. The Metro. The metro rocks. The whole idea of driving places just doesn't make sense to me anymore. I would take being crammed into a metro during rush hour versus sitting in a parking lot like freeway any day. The french metro system is so efficient and easy to use and I say this from experience. Barcelona, madrid, and london's railway systems sucked and I say this without any biases, which usually isn't the case. I think I'll need to have a chauffeur when I get back home. Let's hope I remember how to change lanes!

4. The Monuments. There's no feeling like being able to see the arc de triomphe when leaving a club, or seeing the light from the eiffel tower when walking home at night, or shopping next to l'opera. I don't think I can ever get used to passing by such famous monuments on weekly basis and not being excited. I got to live in one of the top touristic cities in europe for three months and I must say there is nothing like it!

5. Dorene. I’ve realized that I will probably never spend as much time as I spent with dorene the past three months with any other human being besides my family and my future husband. The craziest part of it all is that we’re still actually friends. I mean I was willing to bet that I would have hated her by now, even if it was just a little bit but I don’t! We’ve grown even closer, obviously, and have picked up both good and bad traits from each other. I will no longer be able to cuddle without having a leg straddled on top of me and dorene will no longer be able to talk without going into this weird “roxanne” voice from time to time. To sum up, if I had to pick a woman to marry, dorene just might be the one. (Keyword might, I need to keep my options open.)

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