Tuesday, August 4, 2009

there's a first time for everything

i usually never prepare for things in advance. for some reason i need to do everything at the last minute while stressing out. given that i will only have 19 days after i stop working to buy, pack and start to miss everything before i leave for france i figured i should have at least one less thing to worry about. 

i'm going to study at "catho", the catholic institute of paris. apparently everyone who is actually from paris has never heard of it so maybe i should just lie and say i'll be studying at sorbonne. sounds way cooler, i know. so far i have no idea where i'll be living or what classes i'll be taking. all i know is that i placed into intermediate french based on my online placement exam. im confident that once i take the oral part of the exam at catho i will be lowered to beginner french which is more than okay with me. 

i'm going with dorene, we decided to go together i think two years ago. 96 stressed out phone calls, thousands of dollars, 13 visa documents, and one barely passed deadline later we're actually going! i might be completely jinxing myself because i haven't gone to my visa appointment yet nor have i booked a flight but trust me, i didn't even think i would get to this point! 

so here's to paris, may you please please be not that cold for me.