I feel like no matter how much I write I’m always a week behind and I NEED to catch up because I’m leaving for fall break friday morning and will have a ten day adventure to talk about when I get back, leaving no time for me to talk about week four of paris. Whoa, talk about run on sentence. In case you haven’t noticed I don’t have the world’s best grammar (in english and french) and have a lot of mistakes and typos in my blog. Please forgive me. I’m trying to write everything as fast as I can so that I still have time to go out and actually do things worth writing about. Also, I’ve been using “dorene and me “ this entire time and I do realize it’s a huge grammatical mistake and to save my sister and my cousin from extra stress I’m now going to say dorene and I and be all formal. I don’t do formal writing, but people do the craziest things for the ones they love. Sorry for the totally unrelated prologue, I just needed to explain why I’m switching even though I’m sure only them two would have actually noticed.
Okay now let’s get started. Where did I leave off? Oh right wednesday night we went to the soccer game. It was absolute madness getting back on the metro after the game. Imagine the metro station being the people version of getting out of a parking lot after a sports event. It was intense. Luckily we didn’t have to wait too long because we left a little before the game ended, when we knew france was going to win. Also, they had setup that metro station knowing there would be thousands of people trying to get on, so they had guards everywhere and all the gates were open and you didn’t even have to scan your card/ticket to get in. The entire night was an experience, a parisian experience if you will.
Thursday night (the day wasn’t that exciting) dorene found out that cab (the club we semi tried going to last weekend) was free and was trying to get people to go with her. I assumed I wasn’t going because I had class at nine the next day and they were going to come back home after the metro closed (around 12:30am) and well I’m just not that type of person. But I guess when in paris do as the parisians do. I realized it’s just one stupid french class on Friday that I can power through with a lot of coffee and then come back home around 12 and sleep then. I power napped from about 9 to 10pm, got up, got dressed and we were off to cab!
We got there before our friends who were meeting us did so we decided to go in and get a feel for the place. The feeling sucked. It was more a really empty sad looking bar than a happening club that had people lined up for outside last saturday. We mutually decided it really wasn’t worth the time and money so we ran back to the metro to catch one of the last trains back home. At least I can say I tried.
Friday morning I went to class, came home, napped, ate, then we got ready for dorene’s longchamp bag buying day. (Longchamp is a french brand and everyone, I mean EVERYONE uses them here. If you spent ten minutes in the metro you would think that the french government was giving away free bags to every citizen.) She’s been dying for this longchamp briefcase that a lot of guys and some girls carry around here so we decided today was the day to buy her one. We found an actual longchamp store (there are only two in paris) near concorde and set off on our adventure. Once we got to the store, I surprisingly convinced her that purple was a good color in less than five minutes so we were in and out pretty quickly. While we were in there I went to look at this one bag and felt the need to take it off the mannequin’s hand only to have both the bag and hand fall off. Don’t worry, I put the hand back on, somehow, while the security guard was giving me dirty looks. Meanwhile I fell in love with this bag that had the eiffel tower on it but it is so much cuter than it sounds. Well I guess you can see for yourself since there I’m putting up a picture of it.
Anyway, they only had one left in the actual store in a beige color that was already stained and obviously if dorene bought a longchamp that meant I could buy one too. It was longchamp day! (in our head’s at least.) So we walked down to galleria lafayette because they have a longchamp boutique inside and we thought that they might have the bag I wanted and they did! I realize I can’t use my bag here because it would be beyond touristy but back home it will be a hit, a hit with me that is and that is all that matters. I will be carrying a reminder of paris and my time here with me everywhere I go.

Friday night we finally booked our hotel rooms for our soon to be disclosed fall break. It was quite the stressful time. I thought we were going to have to stay in hostels but luckily we were able to find decently priced hotels so we’re traveling in luxury. The princess side of roxanne is very excited.
On saturday we knew we needed to get some parisian things done and fast because we had already been here for a month and didn’t feel like we had done a month worth of parisian things yet. Our first stop was the boulangerie that had won the best traditional baguette in paris award this year. I had asked my gastronomy teacher what the best bread in paris was and she went on and on about this contest they have every year for the best traditional baguette and told me she would look up this years winner and tell me the following week. Turns out the boulangerie is in the 15th district (the same district I live in) on this street called felix faure which is a block away from our apartment. How crazy is that!? It is like we were meant to eat the best baguettes! The french president also gets his bread from there, no biggie. Below is a picture of me with my demi baguette outside the shop. Dorene directed this shot, not me.

After our demi baguette buying we were off to the louvre. We both have this louvre student card that our program gave us that gets us into the louvre free for an entire year. It’s all officially, it has a picture of us on it and we can pass the normal tourist line and everything.

We decided that our goal would be to have visited every room in the louvre (it’s huge) and started off in a sculpture type garden. We were a little bored and beyond crazy so we decided to pose like this famous (we think) sculpture/fountain we saw. All the other tourists were looking at us like we were psychos, probably because we are.

I had decided I really wanted to see the ancient iran rooms because I didn’t get to see much last year when I came with my mom. We were only in the louvre for like an hour last time and basically just saw the mona lisa so this was my time to find something interesting and less touristy and I did. I found artifacts from perspolis and the achaemenid dynasty! I know this might not sound that exciting to you but at that moment I was the happiest person ever, that room was my very own disneyland. I had read and learned about perspolis in my persian class all year at school and couldn’t believe I was actually standing in front of a column that survived destruction thousands of years ago.

Again, I know I sound like a total loser but I was walking around all the ancient iran rooms with the biggest smile on my face. I saw a mosaic if you will that had something that looked like the farvahar on it.

I also saw a lot of other random stone and rock designs that I immediately bonded with, feeling like some super distant relative of mine had made. Okay maybe I was being a bit too emotional but seriously it was so cool!

Once dorene got tired of looking at me smiling like a freak we went to go see some famous statue dorene told me I had to see. I can’t even tell you the name of it because I have no art knowledge whatsoever but hopefully you will know something about it. Dorene really wanted a pose picture in front of it, so again like crazies we did weird poses in the louvre.

After the most famous statue in the louvre we thought we should go see the most famous painting, the mona lisa. Being on a parisian pose high dorene decided that we needed to get a pose picture in front of the mona lisa. We finally got the courage to ask a lady we saw and she took the picture and said “well I got the both of you and the mona lisa” and we said perfect! As you see below, not so pose perfect. Hopefully next time dorene.

Once we got home from the louvre we thought we would end our touristy day with a touristy dinner. Both of our sisters had told us about this fondue place in montmartre where you sit at a communal table and drink wine out of baby botttles and well we were sold.

Having had only a demi baguette for lunch we starving by the time we got to the restaurant and we were still starving by the time we left. Unfortunately neither of our sisters mentioned the fact that the place is not famous for their food but you truly go there for the atmosphere. What atmosphere you might ask? The drunken atmosphere!

It is this tiny restaurant, if it can even be called that, with two long tables inside. It is so small that you can’t sit on one side of it without standing on chairs and stepping over the table RIGHT next to someone next to you who is eating burning hot fondue. This place screams lawsuit in america. Lucky for dorene had worn heels that night so I was the designated climb-over-tabler.

Everything we ate that night had alcohol in it. They start you off with these little salami, cheese, pickle bits and this pink looking way too sweet starter alcohol. Then they bring you the glass baby bottle with wine along with your fondue of choice. We decided to order cheese fondue to be on the safe side which basically consisted of 3 ounces of some bad tasting cheese and 44 ounces of alcohol.

It was nasty. Even dorene is willing to attempt that it was bad, but it started tasting slightly better after a baby bottle full of wine and ten bites of cheese flavored alcohol soaked old bread. Halfway into our meal we started realizing why everyone we saw leaving the place was smiling so big. Would we go back again, maybe, but we will make sure we order the beef.

By the time we got home around 11:30pm I was toast. I fell asleep on the couch only to randomly wake up around 12am realizing that dorene still wanted to go out that night. I have no idea how I even managed to get dressed and do my make up while still being half asleep but dorene needed me to go out on a saturday and I had to be there for her.
We went to this club called showcase, which is underneath a bridge right next to the seine river. While we were waiting in line we saw this one french girl arguing with the bouncer because he wouldn’t let her in without an id. It’s paris, they don’t id for anything so of course we didn’t have our ids with us. Basically attempting defeat I was getting ready to go back home until we get to the front of the line and dorene manages to get us in using our metro passes. I think the guy thought it was so funny and creative that we deserved to go in.

The club was amazing looking but the music sucked. It was all trance and techno and I just wasn’t feeling it, but I guess it had to do with the fact that I was probably still half asleep. We stayed for a bit, attempted to dance, took a picture or two and left. I was able to hail us another taxi, I’m starting to be a pro taxi hailer.
Good news, it’s thursday “morning” here and I just talked about this past saturday so I’m officially less than week behind. The bad news is that it is 3am and I am about to pass out so until tomorrow. Promise to tell you where I’m going for fall break then!